Package | dk.ehealth.sundhed.fhir.ig.core |
Type | ConceptMap |
Id | Id |
FHIR Version | R4 |
Source | |
Url | |
Version | 3.5.0 |
Status | active |
Date | 2020-08-31T00:00:00+00:00 |
Name | conceptmap-obs-code-to-ucum |
Title | Observation code to UCUM mapping |
Experimental | False |
Realm | dk |
No resources found
CodeSystem | | ![]() | LOINC Code System |
urn:oid: ![]() | NPU DK | ![]() | eHealth Unit Codes |
urn:oid: ![]() | DAK-E Codes | ![]() | Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM) |
urn:oid: ![]() | DK NPU Subset |
urn:oid: ![]() | NPU | ![]() | LOINC codes used in this IG | ![]() | Unified Code for Units of Measure | ![]() | Observation Codes |
Note: links and images are rebased to the (stated) source
Generated Narrative: ConceptMap conceptmap-obs-code-to-ucum
Mapping from Observation Codes to (not specified)
Group 1 Mapping from NPU DK to Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM)
Source Code | Relationship | Target Code | Comment |
NPU03011 (O2 sat.;Hb(aB)) | has specialization | % (percent) | Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment) |
NPU21692 (Puls;Hjerte) | has specialization | 1/min (one per minute) | Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment) |
NPU03804 (Legeme vægt; Pt) | has specialization | kg (kilogram) | Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment) |
NPU27281 (Pt—Legeme; massekoefficient(masse/kvadreret højde) = ? kg/m²) | has specialization | kg/m2 (kilogram / (meter ^ 2)) | Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment) |
NPU03794 (Pt—Legeme; højde = ? m) | has specialization | m (meter) | Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment) |
NPU08676 (Pt—Legeme; temp. = ? °C) | has specialization | Cel (degree Celcius) | Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment) |
NPU19748 (P—C-reaktivt protein; massek. = ? mg/L) | has specialization | mg/L (milligram per liter) | Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment) |
Group 2 Mapping from DAK-E Codes to Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM)
Source Code | Relationship | Target Code | Comment |
MCS88015 (FEV1;Lunge) | has specialization | L (liter) | Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment) |
MCS88016 (FVC;Lunge) | has specialization | L (liter) | Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment) |
MCS88017 (FEV1/FVC;Lunge) | has specialization | {ratio} (ratio) | Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment) |
MCS88019 (Blodtryk hjemme systolisk;Arm) | has specialization | mm[Hg] (millimeter of mercury) | Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment) |
MCS88020 (Blodtryk hjemme diastolisk;Arm) | has specialization | mm[Hg] (millimeter of mercury) | Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment) |
MCS88021 (MRC skala;Pt(KOL)) | has specialization | {Number} (Number) | Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment) |
MCS88023 (FEV1 af forventet værdi;Pt(KOL)) | has specialization | % (percent) | Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment) |
MCS88137 (CAT score;Pt) | has specialization | {Number} (Number) | Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment) |
MCS88192 (Skridt per dag;Pt) | has specialization | /d | Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment) |
MCS88193 (Skridt per uge;Pt) | has specialization | /wk | Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment) |
MCS88194 (Skridt;Pt) | has specialization | {Number} (Number) | Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment) |
Group 3 Mapping from DAK-E Codes to eHealth Unit Codes
Source Code | Relationship | Target Code | Comment |
MCS88050 (Rejse sætte sig testen;Pt) | has specialization | 1/30sec (one per 30 seconds) | Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment) |
Group 4 Mapping from Logical Observation Identifiers, Names and Codes (LOINC) to Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM)
Source Code | Relationship | Target Code |
39126-8 (Length of Wound) | has specialization | cm (centimeter) |
39125-0 (Width of Wound) | has specialization | cm (centimeter) |
39127-6 (Depth of Wound) | has specialization | cm (centimeter) |
89260-4 (Area of wound) | has specialization | cm2 (square centimeter) |
94083-3 (Wound volume) | has specialization | cm3 (cubic centimeter) |
"resourceType" : "ConceptMap",
"id" : "conceptmap-obs-code-to-ucum",
"text" : {
"status" : "generated",
"div" : "<div xmlns=\"\"><p class=\"res-header-id\"><b>Generated Narrative: ConceptMap conceptmap-obs-code-to-ucum</b></p><a name=\"conceptmap-obs-code-to-ucum\"> </a><a name=\"hcconceptmap-obs-code-to-ucum\"> </a><a name=\"conceptmap-obs-code-to-ucum-da-DK\"> </a><p>Mapping from <a href=\"ValueSet-ehealth-observation-codes.html\">Observation Codes</a> to (not specified)</p><br/><p><b>Group 1 </b>Mapping from <a href=\"CodeSystem-\">NPU DK</a> to <a href=\"\">Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM)</a></p><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td><b>Source Code</b></td><td><b>Relationship</b></td><td><b>Target Code</b></td><td><b>Comment</b></td></tr><tr><td>NPU03011 (O2 sat.;Hb(aB))</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"specializes\">has specialization</a></td><td>% (percent)</td><td>Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)</td></tr><tr><td>NPU21692 (Puls;Hjerte)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"specializes\">has specialization</a></td><td>1/min (one per minute)</td><td>Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)</td></tr><tr><td>NPU03804 (Legeme vægt; Pt)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"specializes\">has specialization</a></td><td>kg (kilogram)</td><td>Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)</td></tr><tr><td>NPU27281 (PtâLegeme; massekoefficient(masse/kvadreret højde) = ? kg/m²)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"specializes\">has specialization</a></td><td>kg/m2 (kilogram / (meter ^ 2))</td><td>Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)</td></tr><tr><td>NPU03794 (PtâLegeme; højde = ? m)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"specializes\">has specialization</a></td><td>m (meter)</td><td>Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)</td></tr><tr><td>NPU08676 (PtâLegeme; temp. = ? °C)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"specializes\">has specialization</a></td><td>Cel (degree Celcius)</td><td>Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)</td></tr><tr><td>NPU19748 (PâC-reaktivt protein; massek. = ? mg/L)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"specializes\">has specialization</a></td><td>mg/L (milligram per liter)</td><td>Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)</td></tr></table><hr/><p><b>Group 2 </b>Mapping from <a href=\"CodeSystem-urn-oid-\">DAK-E Codes</a> to <a href=\"\">Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM)</a></p><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td><b>Source Code</b></td><td><b>Relationship</b></td><td><b>Target Code</b></td><td><b>Comment</b></td></tr><tr><td>MCS88015 (FEV1;Lunge)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"specializes\">has specialization</a></td><td>L (liter)</td><td>Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)</td></tr><tr><td>MCS88016 (FVC;Lunge)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"specializes\">has specialization</a></td><td>L (liter)</td><td>Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)</td></tr><tr><td>MCS88017 (FEV1/FVC;Lunge)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"specializes\">has specialization</a></td><td>{ratio} (ratio)</td><td>Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)</td></tr><tr><td>MCS88019 (Blodtryk hjemme systolisk;Arm)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"specializes\">has specialization</a></td><td>mm[Hg] (millimeter of mercury)</td><td>Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)</td></tr><tr><td>MCS88020 (Blodtryk hjemme diastolisk;Arm)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"specializes\">has specialization</a></td><td>mm[Hg] (millimeter of mercury)</td><td>Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)</td></tr><tr><td>MCS88021 (MRC skala;Pt(KOL))</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"specializes\">has specialization</a></td><td>{Number} (Number)</td><td>Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)</td></tr><tr><td>MCS88023 (FEV1 af forventet værdi;Pt(KOL))</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"specializes\">has specialization</a></td><td>% (percent)</td><td>Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)</td></tr><tr><td>MCS88137 (CAT score;Pt)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"specializes\">has specialization</a></td><td>{Number} (Number)</td><td>Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)</td></tr><tr><td>MCS88192 (Skridt per dag;Pt)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"specializes\">has specialization</a></td><td>/d</td><td>Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)</td></tr><tr><td>MCS88193 (Skridt per uge;Pt)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"specializes\">has specialization</a></td><td>/wk</td><td>Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)</td></tr><tr><td>MCS88194 (Skridt;Pt)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"specializes\">has specialization</a></td><td>{Number} (Number)</td><td>Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)</td></tr></table><hr/><p><b>Group 3 </b>Mapping from <a href=\"CodeSystem-urn-oid-\">DAK-E Codes</a> to <a href=\"CodeSystem-ehealth-unit-code.html\">eHealth Unit Codes</a></p><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td><b>Source Code</b></td><td><b>Relationship</b></td><td><b>Target Code</b></td><td><b>Comment</b></td></tr><tr><td>MCS88050 (Rejse sætte sig testen;Pt)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"specializes\">has specialization</a></td><td>1/30sec (one per 30 seconds)</td><td>Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)</td></tr></table><hr/><p><b>Group 4 </b>Mapping from <a href=\"\">Logical Observation Identifiers, Names and Codes (LOINC)</a> to <a href=\"\">Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM)</a></p><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td><b>Source Code</b></td><td><b>Relationship</b></td><td><b>Target Code</b></td></tr><tr><td>39126-8 (Length of Wound)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"specializes\">has specialization</a></td><td>cm (centimeter)</td></tr><tr><td>39125-0 (Width of Wound)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"specializes\">has specialization</a></td><td>cm (centimeter)</td></tr><tr><td>39127-6 (Depth of Wound)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"specializes\">has specialization</a></td><td>cm (centimeter)</td></tr><tr><td>89260-4 (Area of wound)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"specializes\">has specialization</a></td><td>cm2 (square centimeter)</td></tr><tr><td>94083-3 (Wound volume)</td><td><a href=\"\" title=\"specializes\">has specialization</a></td><td>cm3 (cubic centimeter)</td></tr></table></div>"
"url" : "",
"version" : "3.5.0",
"name" : "conceptmap-obs-code-to-ucum",
"title" : "Observation code to UCUM mapping",
"status" : "active",
"experimental" : false,
"date" : "2020-08-31T00:00:00+00:00",
"publisher" : "Den telemedicinske infrastruktur (eHealth Infrastructure)",
"contact" : [
"name" : "Den telemedicinske infrastruktur (eHealth Infrastructure)",
"telecom" : [
"system" : "url",
"value" : ""
"jurisdiction" : [
"coding" : [
"system" : "urn:iso:std:iso:3166",
"code" : "DK",
"display" : "Denmark"
"sourceUri" : "",
"group" : [
"source" : "urn:oid:",
"target" : "",
"element" : [
"code" : "NPU03011",
"display" : "O2 sat.;Hb(aB)",
"target" : [
"code" : "%",
"display" : "percent",
"equivalence" : "specializes",
"comment" : "Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)"
"code" : "NPU21692",
"display" : "Puls;Hjerte",
"target" : [
"code" : "1/min",
"display" : "one per minute",
"equivalence" : "specializes",
"comment" : "Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)"
"code" : "NPU03804",
"display" : "Legeme vægt; Pt",
"target" : [
"code" : "kg",
"display" : "kilogram",
"equivalence" : "specializes",
"comment" : "Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)"
"code" : "NPU27281",
"display" : "PtâLegeme; massekoefficient(masse/kvadreret højde) = ? kg/m²",
"target" : [
"code" : "kg/m2",
"display" : "kilogram / (meter ^ 2)",
"equivalence" : "specializes",
"comment" : "Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)"
"code" : "NPU03794",
"display" : "PtâLegeme; højde = ? m",
"target" : [
"code" : "m",
"display" : "meter",
"equivalence" : "specializes",
"comment" : "Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)"
"code" : "NPU08676",
"display" : "PtâLegeme; temp. = ? °C",
"target" : [
"code" : "Cel",
"display" : "degree Celcius",
"equivalence" : "specializes",
"comment" : "Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)"
"code" : "NPU19748",
"display" : "PâC-reaktivt protein; massek. = ? mg/L",
"target" : [
"code" : "mg/L",
"display" : "milligram per liter",
"equivalence" : "specializes",
"comment" : "Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)"
"source" : "urn:oid:",
"target" : "",
"element" : [
"code" : "MCS88015",
"display" : "FEV1;Lunge",
"target" : [
"code" : "L",
"display" : "liter",
"equivalence" : "specializes",
"comment" : "Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)"
"code" : "MCS88016",
"display" : "FVC;Lunge",
"target" : [
"code" : "L",
"display" : "liter",
"equivalence" : "specializes",
"comment" : "Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)"
"code" : "MCS88017",
"display" : "FEV1/FVC;Lunge",
"target" : [
"code" : "{ratio}",
"display" : "ratio",
"equivalence" : "specializes",
"comment" : "Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)"
"code" : "MCS88019",
"display" : "Blodtryk hjemme systolisk;Arm",
"target" : [
"code" : "mm[Hg]",
"display" : "millimeter of mercury",
"equivalence" : "specializes",
"comment" : "Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)"
"code" : "MCS88020",
"display" : "Blodtryk hjemme diastolisk;Arm",
"target" : [
"code" : "mm[Hg]",
"display" : "millimeter of mercury",
"equivalence" : "specializes",
"comment" : "Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)"
"code" : "MCS88021",
"display" : "MRC skala;Pt(KOL)",
"target" : [
"code" : "{Number}",
"display" : "Number",
"equivalence" : "specializes",
"comment" : "Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)"
"code" : "MCS88023",
"display" : "FEV1 af forventet værdi;Pt(KOL)",
"target" : [
"code" : "%",
"display" : "percent",
"equivalence" : "specializes",
"comment" : "Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)"
"code" : "MCS88137",
"display" : "CAT score;Pt",
"target" : [
"code" : "{Number}",
"display" : "Number",
"equivalence" : "specializes",
"comment" : "Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)"
"code" : "MCS88192",
"display" : "Skridt per dag;Pt",
"target" : [
"code" : "/d",
"display" : "/d",
"equivalence" : "specializes",
"comment" : "Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)"
"code" : "MCS88193",
"display" : "Skridt per uge;Pt",
"target" : [
"code" : "/wk",
"display" : "/wk",
"equivalence" : "specializes",
"comment" : "Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)"
"code" : "MCS88194",
"display" : "Skridt;Pt",
"target" : [
"code" : "{Number}",
"display" : "Number",
"equivalence" : "specializes",
"comment" : "Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)"
"source" : "urn:oid:",
"target" : "",
"element" : [
"code" : "MCS88050",
"display" : "Rejse sætte sig testen;Pt",
"target" : [
"code" : "1/30sec",
"display" : "one per 30 seconds",
"equivalence" : "specializes",
"comment" : "Should really be specializes but igpublisher turns into narrower (which requires a comment)"
"source" : "",
"target" : "",
"element" : [
"code" : "39126-8",
"display" : "Length of Wound",
"target" : [
"code" : "cm",
"display" : "centimeter",
"equivalence" : "specializes"
"code" : "39125-0",
"display" : "Width of Wound",
"target" : [
"code" : "cm",
"display" : "centimeter",
"equivalence" : "specializes"
"code" : "39127-6",
"display" : "Depth of Wound",
"target" : [
"code" : "cm",
"display" : "centimeter",
"equivalence" : "specializes"
"code" : "89260-4",
"display" : "Area of wound",
"target" : [
"code" : "cm2",
"display" : "square centimeter",
"equivalence" : "specializes"
"code" : "94083-3",
"display" : "Wound volume",
"target" : [
"code" : "cm3",
"display" : "cubic centimeter",
"equivalence" : "specializes"
XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.